Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Few Thoughts

Just a few thoughts:

Had a wonderful break back home with some very good friends from high school. Miss them dearly!

On my way back here I stopped at an Arby's at 11:00 to get some food. They were SWAMPED from the drive-thru and obviously understaffed (I counted three people doing everything!). I was second in line to an elderly couple inside the restaurant. The woman had a bunch of coupons and was getting snippy with the man taking their order. At one point someone else came up to finish the order since the first person had to go take care of something. The second person was a little confused by the intricacies of the order and had to go over the receipt with the couple, trying to figure out who got what type of drink and so on. THEN, the waiting began! The couple had to wait about five minutes to get their order (with a full drive-thru and specialty orders) and they were NOT happy. Several times they made glaring remarks to me about how incompetent the people working there were. I just did my usual response (smiling and nodding, occasional laughter) and let them get it out of their system. They finally got their food (to an overabundance of apologies) and went to their seats. Guess what they immediately did upon sitting down? That's right, they held hands and prayed together! How sweet!

On Saturday I found my very first GeoCache!

I enjoyed the response to my previous entry and will update soon with potential hypotheses into why supposed "good" people act the nastiest of all toward people serving them.

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