Sunday, October 19, 2008

BBC - Intuitive Leadership

I need to read more. I feel intellectually and spiritually stagnant. SO, I am beginning what I like to call the BBC.

Bixler Book Club

Isn't that an awesome name? Hah!

The first book I will be encountering is called Intuitive Leadership by Tim Keel

Tim Keel is the founding pastor of Jacob's Well, a church in Kansas City. I was very fortunate to attend Jacob's Well in 2007 and even briefly meet Tim. Tim is a leading voice in the emerging discussion on how to "do" church in these changing times, and this book is key to that discussion. This book is all about leading the church through embracing a paradigm of narrative, metaphor, and chaos. In the following weeks, I will be posting periodically on this book and my thoughts as I continue to read it. It would be so awesome to get a dialogue going as well. So if you are interested, get a copy of this book and let's read it together!

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